About the Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Health


Building a strong mind, body, and spirit together
Waz`a\ hini gira wi
(We Care)

Mission Statement

To promote a high quality of life with holistic health care to those we serve with an emphasis on the traditional Ho-Chunk way of life; and to empower each individual and family to make informed decisions regarding their present and future health.

Core Values


We recognize the inherent dignity of each individual and will treat each person with reverence and respect. The personal privacy and cultural diversity of each individual will be respected at all times.

  • Listen attentively to others
  • Acknowledge and revere individual positions within the community (i.e. workplace, tribal community, etc.)
  • Accept and honor personal and cultural differences


We support, protect and promote the rights of our patients, family members and staff, giving them opportunities to provide input toward improving the quality of their lives.

  • Elicit input from others in matters that relate to their wellbeing
  • Advocate on behalf of our patients, families, and staff


We are committed to treating all individuals with compassion and understanding.

  • Use appropriate tone, body language and words to respect individual dignity
  • Be open-minded related to individual preferences.
  • Personalize our interactions as we navigate the processes of life and death

We will use fiscal, material and human resources to provide the greatest benefit to the individuals and communities we serve. We will be responsible for our use of resources and our care for the environment.
  • Recycle all materials appropriately
  • Treat all we are entrusted with in a highly responsible and conscientious manner by assessing the fiscal, material, human resource, and environmental impact of decisions and act responsibly


We are committed to the pursuit of excellence through ongoing training, performance measurement and self-evaluation.

  • Actively participate in performance measurement, self-evaluation, and improvement
  • Acknowledge the importance and take personal responsibility for individual growth by completing required training on time and seeking out additional training, as needed.


We will be honest and direct with one another, treating each other with honor in a genuine and open manner, while respecting Ho-Chunk culture and traditions.

  • Openly discuss issues related to each other with the appropriate individual(s)
  • Listen to each other to resolve issues at an individual and organizational level
  • Acknowledge and respect the decision making process.

Overview of the Health Department

The Ho-Chunk Department of Health provides ambulatory and public health care services in order to improve the health and well being of its tribal members. The Health Department operates its services in two (2) ambulatory clinics, five (5) satellite health offices, a Food Distribution Center, and the Central Health office.

The clinics, Ho-Chunk Health Care Center and House of Wellness, offer health maintenance exams for people of all ages, diabetic management, chronic illness care, acute illness care, podiatry, pharmacy and optical care. When staffed, each clinic can also provide dental care. These clinics have laboratories (selective) facilities and x-ray capability.

The five satellite offices serve for public health care as provided by our community health nurses and representatives, dieticians/nutritionists, the mental health clinicians, and alcohol/drug program staff.

The Central Health office was the former clinic building. It now houses staff who work for our Behavior Health services.

The Food Distribution Center is the main facility for distribution of our fresh produce and commodities to our community in need.

With the support of the Ho-Chunk Nation, Indian Health Services (IHS) and other Federal and State grants, the Division of Health includes many dedicated and hard working employees.


The Accreditation Board serves as the governing body for the accreditation process. The bylaws shall specify the authority and responsibilities of each level of the organization in respect to the quality of care, quality improvement mechanism, pre-survey review with determination of action items, credentials review and privilege delineation, and risk management. The overall goal of the Board is to attain and maintain accreditation of the Nation’s health clinics.


Members of the Board shall include a minimum of ten members of which the majority will be Native American with Ho-Chunk preference observed. All board members will serve three-year terms. There shall be no limit on the number of terms a board member may serve. The following is the list of the members of the Board:

a) The Director of the Department of Medical Services shall select a representative from the Medical Staff membership of each clinic. (2)

1. Two alternates shall be selected in the same manner.

b) The Director of the Department of Medical Services shall select an administrative representative from each clinic. (2)

1. Two alternates shall be selected in the same manner.

c) The Director of the Department of Behavioral Health shall select a behavioral health representative. (1)

1. One alternate shall be selected in the same manner.

d) The Attorney General shall select one Department of Justice representative. (1)

1. One alternate shall be selected in the same manner.

e) The Director of the Department of Community Health shall select a community health representative. (1)

1. One alternate shall be selected in the same manner.

f) The Traditional Court shall select one Ho-Chunk representative to serve as the cultural advisor. (1)

1. One alternate shall be selected in the same manner.

g) Two community members shall be selected from any of the five (5) legislative districts. (2)

Meetings of the Accreditation Board:

1) Frequency: The Board shall hold regular monthly meetings. The Board Chairperson may call other special meetings as needed.

2) Quorum: The Board Chairperson or designee and a simple majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum. The designated alternate of a board member may be allowed to attend for that board member. The alternate will be counted towards quorum.

3) Attendance by telephone: Board members may participate in meetings using telephonic and other electronic media for instantaneous two-way communication, provided the meetings are still conducted pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, 2 HCC § 2. Board members participating in meetings in this manner shall be deemed to be in attendance and shall be permitted to vote.

4) Voting: All board members may vote including the Chairperson. The Executive Director and the Quality Assurance Director are non-voting ex-officio members. The designated alternates shall have voting rights.

The Accreditation Board met its goal of maintaining accreditation with the national standards of ambulatory certification. With the AAAHC stamp of approval, the Health clinics prove they met the highest standards of cleanliness, suitability of educational health literature, peer review of medical staff and security of its drug inventory and equipment functionality to name a few criteria.

In August 2003, the Ho-Chunk Health Care Center and the House of Wellness clinics attained accreditation from the AAAHC.

The AAAHC returned in 2006, and after more thorough inspection of the two clinics, both facilities obtained re-certification of accreditation from the AAAHC.

In 2009, the AAAHC recertified the Ho-Chunk Health Care Center for three years of accreditation and recertified the House of Wellness clinic for one year.

In 2010, the AAAHC returned to the House of Wellness Clinic for another inspection. The House of Wellness obtained a three-year recertification of accreditation.


Accreditation Board Bylaws

The purpose of the Bylaws is to define the duties and responsibilities of the Accreditation Board as they relate to the operation and management of the health clinics of the Ho-Chunk Nation.

HIPAA Notice Privacy Practices

The Ho-Chunk Nation Health Care Center respects each patient we serve. We have adopted the following "Bill of Rights" to assure the highest standard of care.

Notice of Privacy Practices

This notice describes how health information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information.