Clinic Hours: 8AM - 4:30PM | Mon - Fri
Pharmacy Hours: 8AM-5PM

Department of Health

The Ho-Chunk Nation | Wisconsin

Quality Improvement Documents

The Quality Improvement Division supports clinical and public health functions. This includes ensuring client safety/care and providing technical assistance with Ho-Chunk health data. Please see below for QI related documents.

Client Satisfaction Reports Includes summary reports of client feedback on Department of Health Services.

Research Projects Includes reports of various research projects the QI division has provided technical guidance on.

  • • COVID-19 Impact Study:
  • In 2021, the Ho-Chunk Nation Legislature asked the Department of Health about the prevalence of Ho-Chunk Tribal members with long COVID or ‘long hauler’ symptoms. This information was unknown and required a study. The Impact Study officially began in early 2022 and includes information about symptom experiences, long COVID prevalence, impact of COVID on mental/physical health, and access to material and social resources.

Health Profiles The Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Health Public/Environmental Health Annual report includes Ho-Chunk data like population, death, and ER/hospitalization statistics, community conditions, and health outcomes like maternal/child health, STIs, asthma, water quality, and more.

Communicable & Other Diseases:In collaboration with the Public Health Division, the QI Division provides support in surveillance, reporting, and health communication.